

Last Resort Gas Communities

Royal Decree-Law 4/2024, of 26 Juneextends the application of the LRR for gas to Property Owners' Associations of residential dwellings and to buildings owned by the public sector, trusts or non-profit organisations, all of which are for residential use.
Energy service companies that provide services to both groups may also sign up for the LRR, which must pass on the savings obtained in the cost of purchasing natural gas in full to the unit price applied for the heating and domestic hot water service.
These groups will not be limited in terms of annual consumption or supply pressure, but will have to meet the following requirements:

  • They must be fitted with individual meters for heating or heating cost allocators, unless exempted from this obligation due to technical impracticality.
  • They must have completed the energy efficiency inspection on time, with a positive result.

When signing up, it is necessary to accredit that all of the above requirements are met by presenting a declaration of compliance according to the following model.
In order to contract the LRR, you can choose between the different Last Resort Retailers authorised to do so:






NOTICE: The supplies that at the entry into force of Royal Decree-Law 4/2024 were under the Property Owners' Associations LRR have been automatically assigned to the new LRR that corresponds to them according to consumption.
Supplies that have been under this rate during 2024, and that have signed a new supply contract with a free retailer, with entry into force after 30/04/24, have a period of 30 calendar days from the entry into force of this provision (28 June 2024) to terminate their current contract and switch to the LRR without any penalty.