banner_subhome_tu_factura.html (MULTI-LANG)

subhome-tu-factura.html (MULTI-LANG)
Subhome tu factura
All the information about your bill so you can keep an eye on it.

In fulfilment of article 21.2 of Royal Decree 897/2017, of 6 October, Curenergía Comercializador de Último Recurso, S.A.U. will proceed to send the lists of subscribers to whom certifiable payment requests have been sent, as laid out in article 19.3. The lists will be sent to the electronic office or post office box designated by each Autonomous Community, or any authority designated by them. This notification will be sent out weekly and indicate the date from which the electricity supply may be suspended so that the Regional Administrations, or any authorities designated by them for this purpose, are aware of these situations of non-payment and can adopt any measures they may deem appropriate.